Friday, April 3, 2009

First Friday

Hannah here, with Shannon by her side this time.
How are you?

ha, you can't answer that. unless you wanna put that in the comments, then go ahead. how is life?

well, our lives are GGGRRREEAT!! well, at least hannah's is. shannon's isn't that good i guess. she says. hers is.............normal. but nothing spectacular.
so hannah, me, is addicted to tetris. and shannon is playing it right now! ha!!

and i, hannah, am watching shannon play it.
and i can't keep my eyes off her computer's screen.
of course, we are at school, in the computer lab. fun stuff...

so in theology, we learned about this website called, where you can play quizzes and earn grains of rice for poor and needy people. you can earn A LOT of rice, dude! like, last period, shannon and i were doing a quiz about language, and we earned up to about 1200 grains of rice. it's actually fun to play. they have different subjects you can do quizzes about, like math and art and language...ya! do it! it's a good lent project to do while you're just sittin there bored on the computer... do it i say :)

miss A is sittin here. watching me type. how cute :)

ok. so one thing i don't get is why stupid boys wear freakin shorts when it's freakin cold outside. like 42 degrees cold, says miss A. ya. what is up with that? they are skinny, and short for boys. and disgusting. cuz these boys are twigs. and it looks really really funny. so i say: BOYS! don't wear ultra short shorts! they don't look good! at all!

anyways, sorry for the super short blog. the bell just rang. we gotta jet!!

we love our fans!

love: hannah and shannon. the best friends of best friends.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hannah's Baby Names

so ya, shannon listed her favorite names in the last blog entry. now it's my turn! haha. i actually have been making this list for a long time now...i started around the time that i started my quote book.

so here we go!
Charli (for a girl), or Charlie (for a boy)
Vyvyan (like Vivian, but cooler spelling)
Cricket (haha)
Miya (like Mya, different spelling)
Theodore - Teddy

haha, i know there are a lot...but i love finding really cool names. let us know which ones you like! :)
we love our fans


Friday, January 16, 2009

random ... blah ... yeah ...

hello all. shannon here, with hannah by her side, as usual. in the computer lab, as usual. she's busy doing facebook stuff.

did you know that superman wears chuck norris pajamas? it's true, i've seen them. I snuck into his pad one night looking for ... uhh ... well we're not going to discuss that. I just got some cute boxer shorts from a gift shop on a snowmobiling trip that have wolves on the butt and it says Fanny Pack. They are actually for guys but i don't care, i like them.

Oh, that reminds me, there's been this little debate going on about whether underwear is singular or plural. For instance, would you say "aaah my underwear is falling down" or "aaah my underwear are falling down" ? Because I tried to saying something like that one time and neither of them sounded right. A comparison would be the word pants - "aaah my pants are falling down" is obviously the correct thing to say, so why not make underwear plural? Besides, I don't think anybody says underwears anyway (not like "aaah the underwears of that group of people are falling down" so i'm pretty sure it's one of those words that is the same in singular and plural. What do you guys think? This is a huge dilemma.

Another thing that Hannah and I like to think about is our favorite baby names. I've found that the girl names I enjoy most are more commonly meant for boys. Hannah also picks weird names, but not always because the gender is mixed up. Here are my (Shannon's) picks:

Girls: Devon, Charlie, Scarlet, Sophia, Ava, Rose, Therese (my middle name, kinda biased)
Boys: Parker, Ethan, Cameron, Hayden, Michael

Hannah's going to post her list of favorites later because she has a ton more than me.
I've also been making a list of my favorite inventions, but ones that you wouldn't normally think of. So far, there's the electric blanket, spaghetti, ipod car adapters, and guitar hero. I'm sooo pro at guitar hero, you have no idea! World Tour is awesome by the way, I love the songs. Speaking of which, Battle of Bands is coming up in our local area! Hannah and I are definitely planning to go, even though we've never been before. There are many high schools involved, including ours which was a surprise because we're so small and I don't even know who plays in a band anyway. I hope to be meeting some hotties there, since we are so drastically lacking. Oh my, what a good use of assonance! ("Assonance is repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences, and together with alliteration and consonance serves as one of the building blocks of verse." - Wikipedia)

Well it's time to wrap up this blog and go to starbucks. Happy 2009!
(We love our fans, as usual)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

this is it!

dear world
how are you today? we're good, thanks for asking. once again, we apologize for not posting sooner. hannah says we have three fans, which is enough to keep writing. you guys should recruit more readers.
we are currently sitting in our computer lab. as usual. what's new.
"why don't you say something?"
that's just what hannah said to me. cuz i've been writing everything that she was saying, so i guess i should talk now.
today was a really windy day! our skirts were blowing everywhere and hannah says her hair was windswept all day (as was all of ours). but seriously, our catholic school girl uniform skirts are so billowy (is that the right word?) and airy cuz there are so many pleats and just tons of fabric. whenever we walked outside, we had to grab our skirts by the sides and bunch up all the fabric so it wouldn't fly up and reveal our lady bits. haha. and underwear. the wind calmed down around lunch time though, so it's ok now. driving in the wind is also really difficult, like coming out of the canyon where it's just swirling all over and you're going kinda fast and it feels like it actually pushes your car! so be careful driving in canyons (and out of canyons) when it's windy.
that commercial was brought to you by shannon.
(hannah adds that it reminded her of mary poppins)
don't worry, shannon saved the day.
how many of you say milk with an "e?" so you pronounce it like melk. huh? huh? idk if it's a utah thing, but it's soooo annoying. miss X said it like that today, because miss W was drinking the rest of the milk in the carton thingy, in the fridge. our gym teacher says it like that also and it really pisses me off. anyway, my theory is if she says milk like melk, she should say lipstick like lepsteck, but nooooo.
uhhh i (shannon) just realized that hannah said i saved the day and didn't explain it. it was cuz i was fixing this monstrous stapler. that's about it.
it needs to snow. yes! shannon really wants to ski and uh... i know they make fake snow and all (they have 527 snowmaking guns!) but it's not enough without the real authentic flakes.
hannah is tawrd. very tawrd. (tawrd = tired) but happy :) shannon = tawrd, too. and hannah has a flower in her hair today! wooooo...

(five minutes goes by)

we have nothing else to say. we're kinda distracted. mr. x came in and we're talking to him now so that is distracting. he brought up the snow topic that we discussed earlier. but shannon came up with the cool statistic.

so this is goodbye. please comment.




Monday, August 18, 2008

Hello everybody. Sorry we haven't posted since June. It's been kind of a rough and busy summer ... Anyways, today was the first day of school and we are hanging out at the computer lab, like we always did last year, but this year is so much different. For one, we are seniors now. This can mean good things and bad things. Personally, I (Shannon) think it is cool to be on top but rather lonesome since there are so many new freshmen, we don't really know any sophomores, and are only friends with a couple juniors. I just have a bad feeling about this year, and it's like the only way to get through is to stick together with our class, because that's all we have left. Everybody else in the school that has gone before us has left. It's sad. Hannah thinks it's not that bad but it is definitely an awkward time. But who knows, it's only the first day of school, so there is plenty of time for it to get better.

Also awkward is trying to avoid an ex boyfriend who is sure to hate your guts when this school has about 150 kids and he's in half of my classes. It sucks. Summer was perfect and now I have to see him in person and look at him again and it just brings back too many memories. Sorry ... that was a little selfish rant of mine.

Hannah agrees.
Although I'm not sure what she's agreeing on ...


Living Skills should be fun, though. Same with dance, says Hannah. I'm not in dance, but she believes it is going to be awesome! So far I am pretty much most excited about Living Skills and Theology, sadly. I hope things get better. I don't like school. Maybe I'll just quit and get my GED. And then start college early. Woo! Wait, why am I saying woo, I am not ready for college. ohhhh i just don't see good things for the future at all right now! I wish I was not in such a sucky mood. I'm sorry to put this negativity on you readers out there. I give you permission to erase this from your memory once you're done reading it.

Has anybody read The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy? It's by Tim Burton. We have to read it for English. Just kidding, I just found it next to the computer I'm typing at and I think that is one creative title. But in English 12, we DO have to read Macbeth, Hamlet, ... some other books ... and the Kite Runner. I heard from my mother that the Kite Runner is a very depressing book, cuz it's about two little boys in Afganistan or something. She read it for book club - or rather, she decided not to read it because she didn't want to occupy her free time with books that would make her feel sad. I definitely feel like we should be allowed to have that objection in a high school english class, because I am in no way looking forward to reading a book like that. However, I don't think our grades will be ok if we just refuse to read a book ... I mean, school isn't about choices, except in our new cool lunch program where we have a nice salad and potato bar and all sorts of things. Anyway, it's just gonna be a bummer if we're forced to read depressing books. If anybody has read that book and would like to share some comments or words of inspiration, that would be greatly appreciated. As you can tell, I'm feeling kind of gloomy about my life right now ... in pretty much all aspects. I havent discussed them though, because it doesn't matter.

Hannah has not started reading Breaking Dawn yet. I think you all should harrass her for this and she'll give in to peer pressure and start reading the book right away. I am not done with the book myself, but I am about halfway through. I didn't like it really that much during Jacob's part but it's starting to get better. I don't know ... I'm not very pleased with the whole direction the series has taken. BUT we better wait till hannah and I both finish the book to discuss it on our blog.

Hannah loves the Olympics, especially Shawn Johnson: she is her idol (even though Hannah dances). Michael Phelps is also pretty freakin awesome, no?? I mean, he broke the record for most medals won in a single Olympics. Didn't he take first in every single event he participated in? Way to go, babe. Haha.

Shannon would like to say that today has been a very very long day. And it's only 4 o-clock. It felt like a long day right around 3rd period, actually. Not a good sign...

Hannah just randomly shouted out "Butter! Butter!"
What the heck?! I am lost. See what I have to deal with every day?? Like that one time we were walking downtown to go see a movie and she asked me if I ever randomly feel like making animal noises. That made me laugh so hard!

Alrighty, well it's about time to wrap this thing up and watch some funny clips from our new favorite comedy Charlie Bartlett. Till next time ...

We love our fans.

HaNnAh & sHaNnOn

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hello there! Hannah speaking, with Shannon standing at her side. We apologize for not writing posts regularly, but you know what people, we actually have lives. So stop your whining. Haha, jk. We totally miss this place!!

We're cool. We are on vacation. Me, Hannah, with Shannon's family, staying at a condo. Bad news: Shannon is sunburnt! Sort of. It's more like this weird reaction of some sort. Her fingers are tingly sometimes, especially when wet. Weird, huh? I am concerned. It BURNS in the sun! We believe that...brace Can you guess it????


Well, she's not one just yet, but she's definitely going through the horrifying process. She an barely sleep! But, Hannah can sleep, like a baby. So, we're good.

Hannah not only loves Spiderman, but also loves MEADOWS! When we were driving up to this place, I got super excited when I saw a couple meadows!! I know. What a weird and random obsession, but guys! They are so spectacular, beautiful, and just....FUN!

Today, we all went rafting on a river, and we went through some mean rapids! We caught two fish, but let them go...I got wet on my butt, and my butt hurt from sitting down so long on the raft. And there were so many freakin' bugs!!! They were all flying in my face, getting up my nose and in my disgustng!!! Blagh.

Recent news! Shannon just won regular Solitaire. People, this is not the stupid computer Solitaire, this is the REAL THING! And it was her first time playing today. Shannon is pro.

Hannah likes carrots. Not as much as Shannon's whole family thinks. It's funny.

It's 4:50! Almost time for dinner at the only restaurant in this place! woooooooo....yummers. Chicken Alfredo!

Ok! We've been watching TV for a couple nights here, and we've watched Wipeout! and I Survived a Japanese Game Show. Wipeout was funny, but the Japanese Game Show thing was stupid. Wipeout never got old when watching the stupid people bouncing off those big balls and spinning on that...spinny thing and getting dizzy! Haha!
Also, we LOOOOOOOOVE So You Think You Can Dance! It's definitely our kind of show.
Shannon's fav girls: Kerrington and Katie
Shannon's fav guys: Thayne and Twitch
Hannah's fav girls: Comfort and Chelsie T.
Hannah's fav guys: Thayne and Will/Josh/Matt
BUT, even though these may be our favs, they are all very good dancers. And not only are they fab, but three guys and one girl are from UTAH!! Ha! Utah is becoming more known. Those are Thayne, Matt, Gev, and Chelsie Hightower. We know Thayne and Matt from this dance theatre that we love watching. They are absolutely amazing dancers, and we certainly proud. *tear*...
We want to know, if you watch the show, who YOU love! Comment, comment, COMMENT!

Our lesson for today is: Wear sunscreen. The result is painful.
AND: Don't eat too many carrots before dinner. Not a good idea...

Shannon loves Hannah.

Hannah loves (not carrots) but meadows!

and also Shannon.

and Starbucks.

and Spiderman.

We love our fans!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Mixed Blend of Weather, Music, and Book/Movie Characters

Hello all. Shannon here, with Hannah by her side, of course. Once again, we are posting from the school's computer during finals, in both of our Aide periods. First off, I would like to say that I'm really hungry. WE are really hungry. We could practically eat each other.

Hannah has been diligently working on the MP3 player for our blog, and it's been changing a lot. You better appreciate all the hard work. Or else.

Today is a rainy day, but right now it's dry. The skies are bleh ... which is equal to gross gray in simpler terms. I'm wearing my fabulous rainboots, which are dark blue with light blue and pink and purple stripes. They're pretty rubbery, and many people comment on the smell. I love it!

Another random fact: I am re-reading Twilight!! It's awesome, but since I already know what happens, I keep unconsciously skipping sentences and paragraphs because i'm so anxious to get to the good parts. I'm sure this happens to all of you. It's weird how I have been thinking about the movie a lot, and the actors playing Bella and Edward, but I can't picture them when I'm reading the book. Does this happen to you, too? I was thinking about whether or not it's the same with Harry Potter, because that's also a book-turned movie phenomenon. I think since I've seen so many of those movies, I can picture them in my head when I read the books. Or at least their voices are clear, because before the movie came out I didn't read their conversation with the accents, and now I do! It's amazing, huh?

Haha, well sorry about that little rant of my own.

Hannah comments that with Harry Potter she always imagines the characters from the movies. She also says boys are stupid. Why? Cuz they're immature and they get all nervous when they talk to me and I don't know why. (Miss X, sitting next to us in the computer lab says "cuz you're a babe")

Only two more days left of school! Yay! We both need jobs. Hannah and I both want to work at Shaka Juice (formerly known as Jamba Juice).

Hey, back to the MP3 player, we're planning on making a list of each of our favorite songs, and then a list of our favorite songs together ... that's what you can look forward to in the future. I think there are a TON of songs on there, now, so we'll narrow it down.

Well, that's about it. Nothing much else to say. I dont' feel like a controversial discussion like last week's global warming. Maybe sometime else we will address the issue of abortion (yikes!) or immigration (double yikes!). But those are deep waters, and I'm afraid to upset anybody with my not-too-informed opinion.

This just in: We have 98 songs on our MP3 player at the current moment. And it looks to be going up. (Only cuz we have so much time on our hands, says Hannah). What is your all-time favorite song? Include the answer in your comment. Woo! We love our fans. Until next time ...

Shannon, I love you.

Hannah, I love you, too.

The End